
崇满 10 2023-04-20 多饮








In English:

Will drinking more water cause kidney stones?

Kidney stones are a common urological disease. Many people have heard of it, but they don't know how to prevent and treat it. In fact, the treatment of kidney stones requires not only formal treatment, but also attention to daily life regulation, such as diet, exercise, and rest. Among them, there is a question, is drinking more water likely to cause kidney stones?

Firstly, drinking more water can help the body metabolize waste, accelerate the metabolic process of the kidneys, and benefit the health of the kidneys. However, excessive drinking of water can also cause the accumulation of solutes (especially calcium, oxalate, etc.) in the body, making it easier to form crystal particles. At this time, if the excretory function of the kidney is problematic, it is easy to form kidney stones.

Secondly, drinking too much water actually has a limit. According to the World Health Organization's standards, the daily water requirement for adults is 2-3L. After the loss of water from exhaled water and other parts of the body, the required amount of water is generally around 1.2-1.5L. Drinking more water than this is not healthier but rather burdens the kidneys.

Finally, drinking more water will reduce the concentration of solvent in the urine, but it does not mean reducing the burden on the kidneys, especially for people with kidney disease. Excessive drinking of water not only does not reduce the burden on the kidneys but also increases the burden on the kidneys and induces other diseases.

In general, excessive drinking of water has a certain impact on the occurrence of kidney stones, but it is not the only factor. To prevent kidney stones, in addition to drinking water moderately, adjustments need to be made in diet, exercise, and other aspects, which turn out to be important for maintaining good health. If any symptoms of deep urine color, frequent urination, and abnormal urine odor occur, you should visit a hospital promptly to avoid affecting your health.




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初步诊断 就医策略 就诊须知
缓解方式 知识问答
上一篇: 多饮的家属需要做哪些情况沟通和协助包括对病患的生活和护理
下一篇: 多饮治疗的对症药物有哪些?